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Blower Door Testing

As we become more environmentally-conscious, it’s useful to identify the various ways we can save energy in our homes and corporate spaces. One excellent way to determine problem areas in your interior space is through a blower door test. Blower door tests involve a professional team of energy auditors testing air tightness, identify air leaks, and help get you on the path to a more energy-efficient home.

How Does it Work?

A blower door is a specialized fan that attaches to your exterior door frame and lowers the air pressure inside the home by pulling air out of the house. Due to the higher air pressure outside, the air then leaks back through the cracks, damaged seals, and problem areas, allowing contractors to identify the air infiltration rate of your home. Blower doors come with flexible frames that attach to your entryway as well as a pressure gauge and airflow manometer to measure airflow.

What Are the Benefits?

A blower door test is beneficial for many reasons. Some commercial and residential buildings require this test to ensure the interior is up to code. Determining the location of air leaks in your home will also help you cut down on uncomfortable drafts that are interfering with climate control. Proper air tightness helps mitigate moisture and condensation issues, and perhaps most importantly, helps you to save money on heating and cooling bills.

Contact your local blower door testing contractor today to find out more about the air tightness of your home.

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