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Lightning Protection

Protect your home and property from devastating lightning strikes

While the odds of being hit by lightning are low, it can still happen. Depending on your property, the layout of your yard, and the design and materials of your home, you can increase those odds greatly. Trees in your yard that are higher than the home can draw lightning strikes. Those trees can start fires or fall on your home. The peaks of your home, satellite dishes, and even your chimney will attract lightning and cause severe damage to your property.

To combat the risk of lightning, your property can be fitted with a lightning protection system. Lightning rods and grounds will be affixed to points of interest where a lighting strike is most likely. The system will then redirect the lightning safely into the ground without causing damage. Your property will need to be reviewed by a trained electrician to determine where and how this system is installed.

Only trust professional electricians with your lightning protection system

Lightning is not something you should approach carelessly. In order to safely redirect lighting away from your home and family, the system will have to be installed in the right places with the right amount of components. If the incorrect amount of grounds are installed, the lighting will have no place to go but into the very place you are trying to protect, your home. There are also numerous safety precautions that are regulated during this process. Your local electrician doing the work must be certified to do this, therefore you need to do your research. Find trusted expert electricians on HomePro Match today!

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