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Wood Destroying Insect Repair

Wood Destroying Insects: An Invisible Threat

There are few things in this world that are more anxiety-inducing than a danger that you can’t see. Unfortunately, for homeowners all around the world, this is an everyday reality. The threat? Wood destroying pests that silently undermine the structural integrity of your home.

According to the National Pest Management Association, insects like termites and carpenter ants cause a shocking five billion dollars in property damage in the US each year, with termites being the most problematic and widely pervasive threats to the wood in your home.

However, there are many types of wood-eating pests, and they can be found in every state across the nation.

The main pests that target the wood of your structure are, of course, termites, carpenter ants, and powder post beetles. Trouble can arise if a home is not inspected regularly for pests or damage, as the damage done may be hidden behind walls and under our feet. Many homeowners only realize that they’re sharing their home with these bugs when they notice small piles of wood shavings or sawdust around the home and property.

What should you do about wood destroying pests?

If you think that your home has been invaded by wood destroying pests, the first thing to do is call a pest company to identify if and where you have a problem, and how to deal with it. Work can only begin to restore the home to its former strength once the insects have been driven away or killed. Then, depending on the damage, a professional can set about replacing or restoring damaged areas, allowing you to put the risk of pest induced home collapse, far from your mind.

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