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Composite Deck Installation & Replacement

Is Composite Decking right for you?

There are many benefits to having a deck attached to your home. It’s a wonderful space for entertaining, adds home value, and can easily be the best feature of any backyard. For many years, the only real material to build a deck from was wood. Unfortunately, since decks are out in the open and exposed to the elements, this means maintenance and repairs need to be done regularly to the structure and surface. This was until the 1990s, when composite decking made its debut as a widely available material.

Composite decking is primarily made from waste products, such as sawdust, used plastic milk jugs, and old plastic shopping bags, making it a greener option than classic wood. Composite decking is also significantly stronger than wood decking, as every 20 feet of decking contains roughly 30lbs of material that would otherwise sit in a landfill.

Depending on the type of wood that you would’ve chosen for your decking, composite decking can be a fairly comparable option. Composite boards can be made to appear more like natural wood, though this can raise the price.

The maintenance is nearly non-existant for a composite deck- a marked change from wooden decks, which require near-constant maintenance season to season. Usually, all that is required is a quick wash rather than bleaching, staining, sanding, painting, or any of the other expensive, time-consuming work it takes to maintain a wooden deck.

Your composite decking won’t rot or burn as the burning rate is at a much higher temperature than wood. No splinters or cracking, warping boards and only minimal fading over time.

As non-wood materials are becoming increasingly popular for decks as time goes on, make sure to talk to your local deck contractor for options available to you.

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