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Patio Leveling

Fix your cracked and sinking patio with Patio Leveling!

Patio Leveling

Patios, like any other outdoor surface, can eventually be subject to sinking and settling. Of course, there are a few types of patios, including concrete slabs, flagstones, pavers, and tile. The process for fixing each type of patio is unique to the material they are made from.

Like any sinking concrete surface, the main issue is typically water making its way beneath the slab or pavers and washing out the sediment beneath. Sinking and settling can also be caused by poor supporting soils, incapable of holding up the weight of the patio material.

With sunken concrete patios, there are a few methods that are typically employed, such as total replacement. While this will certainly fix the sunken concrete, it’s also a rather disruptive process, needing to break apart and take up the old concrete to repour. The concrete will then need to set, which can take days, leaving you unable to use your patio until it has fully cured.

You could choose to Mudjack the patio, as well. This process uses a limestone and concrete slurry that is pumped beneath the slab to raise it back up. This process can have its downsides, especially if your contractor doesn’t take care to deal with the issues that caused the sinking in the first place.

Patio pavers, like any other material, can sink and settle over time. The process to fix this issue can be very involved, as each paver must be pulled up, the ground beneath leveled, and each paver placed back into the patio. For this reason, it’s advisable to reach out to an experienced contractor.

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