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Concrete Sealing

Improve the appearance and prolong the life of your concrete with sealants!

Concrete Sealing Driveway

As many of us have concrete outside our home, it could be a major benefit to seal it! Sealing these surfaces can help prolong the life of any concrete slab--driveways, patios, pool decks, and even sidewalks.

During the winter, with salt on the roads and the ground freezing and thawing constantly, our outdoor concrete can take a real beating and end up looking significantly worse for wear. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem; concrete sealants! If you live somewhere that has freeze and thaw cycles, it’s recommended to seal your concrete surfaces to prolong their lifespan and usefulness.

More reasons to seal your concrete

Besides these freeze and thaw cycles, there are other reasons to seal. Staining, repellence of insects and water, dust reduction, abrasion and chemical resistance, and to maintain an attractive appearance.

Concrete is a naturally porous material that will slowly absorb water and liquid. During the freeze and thaw cycles, the expansion of the frozen liquid could destroy the unsealed concrete. There are other dangers, such as oil, fertilizer, and other household chemicals, that can discolor and damage concrete, if it is left unsealed.

Of course, there are plenty of options to choose from, such as Acrylic or Resin based sealers, Epoxy/Polyurethane sealers, and Penetrative sealers. They each have their own unique benefits and styles to fit what works best for you and your home. Reach out to a trusted HomePro Match contractor today to get started.

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