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Leaning Chimney Repair

Protect your home by ensuring your chimney is structurally sound.

A leaning chimney is a serious danger to the structure of your home and should be dealt with as soon as possible. Failure to act quickly could result in further damage to the chimney and other parts of the home, or even injury to you and your family.

There are many reasons that a leaning chimney is dangerous, including but not limited to:

  1. Water and insects in the gaps of the chimney
  2. Cracks in the liner leaking combustible gases back into the home
  3. Undermined structure and badly damaged foundation.

Don’t miss the warning signs of a leaning chimney!

Some ways to tell if your chimney has begun to lean are:

  • Gaps in the joint of the chimney and siding, that might have been filled by previous homeowners--though this only masks the problem.
  • Metal straps that were used to bind the chimney to the structure.
  • If the chimney stack is not centered. If the chimney goes up through the attic and out to the roof, you can check to see if the chimney stack is centered in it’s framed opening. If it presses up against one side, that means the chimney is leaning.
  • Leaks that are caused by dislodged flashing due to chimney settlement.

Luckily, a leaning chimney can be repaired without the need for demolition and reconstruction. Most foundation companies will use steel helical piers to stabilize the chimney in order to pour a new footer for the chimney to rest on.

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