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Basement Wall Crack Repair

Wall crack repairs can range from minor to major

Basement Wall Crack

There are a variety of factors that can lead to cracking of your basement walls, which means not every crack is a threat to your structure or a necessity to repair. This, however, raises the question, “What cracks should I worry about?”

There are different types of cracks that could appear in your foundation walls, such as Horizontal Cracks, Diagonal Cracks, Vertical Cracks, Stair-Step Cracks and Cracks that connect with basement window and door frames. All of these types of cracks can be caused by various factors. Some of these cracks, like Diagonal Cracks, aren’t as concerning. Diagonal Cracks stretch from one corner of a wall to the other and are usually caused by soil pressure, normal settlement, and drying of the concrete. Then there are cracks that you should keep a closer eye on, such as Vertical Cracks. Vertical Cracks run up and down your walls and can be caused by the shrinkage of materials or tipping walls--which becomes a concern when combined with other cracks. Horizontal Cracks are usually the ones that Structural Engineers keep an eye out for. They normally can be found running parallel to the ground and are caused by lateral pressure from the surrounding soil. This can cause the wall to bow out or even collapse.

If you’re concerned about a basement wall crack, your best option is to reach out to a local professional who can evaluate the damage and determine the severity of the crack. Depending on the damage, a basement wall crack repair may be what you need to save you and your home!

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