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Basement Mold Remediation

Remove health-damaging mold from your home!

Mold Issues in Basement

Mold can grow anywhere and will take the opportunity to grow in any spot of your home. However, mold thrives in dark, damp environments, like your basement, and can sometimes go totally undetected. With some mold growing within as quickly as 24-48 hours, this can become a large problem rather quickly.

The problem is that the very materials we use to build our homes are the food that mold needs to survive, and it’s near impossible to track down all of the places that it could be hiding. There are plenty of causes of mold growth, for instance, high humidity, leaks in piping or foundation walls, hydrostatic pressure, clogged window-wells, and/or insulation retaining too much humidity. Since mold growth can be caused by many different reasons, this makes it a very common problem in homes around the country.

How dangerous is the mold in your home?

While not all mold is toxic to humans and animals, plenty of it is. There are two types of mold you should look out for, Allergenic mold and Mycotoxin mold. To the untrained eye, it’s impossible to distinguish the two. Allergenic mold is typically not a health risk, unless someone in your home is asthmatic or is highly sensitive to mold already. Some types of Allergenic molds however, are carcinogenic and can attach to and grow on human tissue. Mycotoxin mold is toxic to both humans and animals and should be dealt with by a professional. If you are concerned about mold growth in your home, specifically your basement, contact your local basement mold remediation contractor today.

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