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Basement Floor Crack Repair

Different cracks require different methods of repair

Basement floor cracks are a common sight in most homes, especially those where the property and foundation itself are decades old. Not all cracks are a cause to be concerned, but if you’re worried about a spot in your foundation, it’s always best to consult with a professional.

Before sealing cracks in the slab, you should make it a priority to know what caused them. Most often, a crack in your basement is the result of wear and tear from use or from the drying and natural settlement of the foundation. These cracks don’t threaten the structural integrity of the home, but they do create entry points for groundwater, insects and even methane and radon gas. If there are areas of heavy cracking or a crack that runs parallel to the wall, the issue could be linked to structural damage.

There are many different types of basement floor cracks, so how can you tell what might be a problem?

  • Hairline cracks are commonly the result of surface shrinkage as the concrete dries, and typically show up anywhere from 2-12 months after the floor has been poured. These cracks are superficial and don’t require action.
  • Cracks that are 1/8th of an inch or wider should be sealed to prevent moisture, insects or soil-borne gases from entering through the basement floor.
  • Premiteter cracks are usually caused by the concrete floor shrinking away from the foundation walls. Although premiteter cracks do not impact the structure of your home, they should be sealed as they are common entry points for moisture.

If you are concerned with the basement floor cracks in your home, contact your local professional today.

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