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Water Treatment

Remove contaminants and keep your water safe to drink with professional water treatment

As the human body is mostly composed of water, it is vital not only that you drink enough water every day, but also that the water you drink is properly treated so it is free of contaminants. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, which is why water treatment is so vital.

Most community water systems use large water treatment plants to remove dangerous contaminants and ensure the water is safe to drink, but wells are dependent on the individual owner to take care of their water treatment needs. If you have a well, or simply want to make sure your family is protected, investing in a water treatment system installed by a professional contractor is essential.

Types of water treatment systems:

  • Filtration: This type of water treatment system is used to remove impurities from the water, like contaminants, and can use a variety of different methods from the physical to the chemical.
  • Water Softeners: Hard water is a costly and irritating problem caused by excess calcium and magnesium ions in the water. Water softeners use a variety of methods to replace or alter these ions to make your water “soft” again.
  • Distillation: This process involves boiling water and then collecting the steam separately to be used as water once it returns to a liquid state. This removes most solid contaminants.
  • Disinfection: This refers to the removal of harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. There are a variety of techniques for accomplishing this, but some common ones include chlorine, ultraviolet light, electronic radiation, and more.

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