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Water Conditioner Installation & Replacement

Enjoy soft and pure water with water conditioner installation or replacement

Unfortunately, the water we drink does not always have the greatest water quality. In some cases, there may be too many minerals in the water which causes the phenomenon known as hard water. This can lead to film on dishes, damaged pipes, and other problems for your plumbing and appliances. Similarly, traces of different chemicals, bacteria, and algae, can be found in your water and potentially cause health problems.

Luckily, you can improve your water quality with a water conditioner installation. A water conditioner is a general term for systems designed to improve your water quality. Often, this involves filtering chemicals, removing bacteria and algae, and also reducing hard water. While a water softener can also reduce hard water, it generally lacks the other functionality and uses a distinctly different process.

Common types of water conditioners

There are many different types of water conditioners all using different methods to purify the water, but here are some common ones:

  • Carbon Filtration: In this system, carbon is used to remove chemicals from the water. This particular method is best suited for removing odors and foul tastes since it does not actually soften the water.
  • Magnetic & Electromagnetic Systems: These types of conditioners create a magnetic field that is supposed to make hardness ions not stick to surfaces by changing the shape of the ion clusters. There is still some debate as to just how effective it actually is.
  • Catalytic Media: These types of water conditioners use a process called Template Assisted Crystallization (TAC) to change mineral ions into a crystalline form that will not stick to surfaces. While somewhat similar to softening, this is just a type of conditioning since the minerals are still there.

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