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Surge Protector Installation

Surge protectors protect your electrical appliances from sudden spikes in voltage

Power surges happen more often than you may be aware of and they don’t always accompany power outages. Lightning strikes, nearby construction work, even your own power company can cause a power surge. These fast voltage spikes can be damaging to your electrical equipment, especially if your house has faulty wiring, an electrical panel, or is located at the end of a power line. With nowhere else for the electricity to go, the volts will instead fry your appliances’ circuit boards.

To avoid power surges and replacing all your electrical equipment, you can have a surge protector installed. Surge protectors detect increases in voltage and either block or decrease the amount of electricity that travels through it. The excess power is then safely directed to the ground. This will keep your appliances from wearing down or burning out.

Can you install a whole house surge protector?

Smaller surge protectors made for a few, less demanding, appliances are readily available. These, however, are not always strong enough to handle larger surges and can wear out after a single voltage spike. It can also be very tedious acquiring, applying, and replacing these surge protectors on every outlet. Instead, homeowners may want to consider having a whole house surge protector installed. These can be installed between your powerlines and your power meter or between the meter and your electrical panel. This can be an optimal solution to many problems, but the complicated and potentially hazardous installation process should only be handled by a trained electrician.

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