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Rodent Cleanup & Repair

What’s the big deal about Rodents?

Maybe you’re laying in bed, ready to doze off to dreamland--when you hear the telltale scratching above your head, and you know that it’s going to be a long night. Or perhaps you’ve stumbled your way to the kitchen, desperate for a cup of joe, only to swing open the cabinet and find two beady little eyes staring back. Either way, you’re forced to accept the unpleasant fact, you’ve got rodents.

A survey conducted by ‘’ in 2017 found that roughly 37% of American homeowners spot evidence of rodents in their homes yearly; with rodents finding their way into somewhere in the range of 21 million homes around the country each year. This can be a real problem as rodent infestations are one of the largest threats to health and safety within a home.

Don’t ignore the problem, call today!

Though it may be tempting to ignore the problem if it seems small, the unsettling truth is that rodents breed incredibly quickly, with a female mouse capable of having up to 12 babies within three weeks.

With their ability to chew virtually forever due to their open rooted incisors, teeth that will grow continuously throughout their lives, the amount of damage that even one rodent could do is untold. This leaves a home at risk for structural instability and even fire as the animals chew through electrical wires.

If you or someone you know is struggling with a rodent problem, the experts here at HomePro Match are here to help!

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