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Vinyl Deck Repair

Help your vinyl deck last for decades

Homeowners love the benefits of having a vinyl deck. They don’t hold moisture, they don’t rot, and they don’t need painting or sealing. The average vinyl deck can last about 15 years, but a properly maintained vinyl deck can sometimes last up to 30 years. The key to getting the most out of your deck’s lifespan is to make small repairs in a timely manner before they worsen. If a minor repair is ignored, the damage will increase until it becomes a large, costly repair or until the deck becomes unrepairable.

How do vinyl decks get damaged?

While vinyl is a durable material, it is not invincible. Vinyl decks are still susceptible to collision damage. Storms can knock broken branches and downed trees into your deck and simple accidents during daily life can also crack or fracture the vinyl. Extreme heat will warp vinyl or fade the color. Luckily these issues can be repaired.

How do you repair vinyl decks?

Small areas of damage can be repaired by removing the section in question and replacing it. This can be done either by replacing the whole piece or by cutting out the small damaged section. Warped sections of your vinyl deck can be heated with a blow torch and formed back into place. Do remember that these are not repairs to be attempted on your own. Forgetting about the safety aspects of cutting and using a blow torch, there is a lot of skill required to properly measure, cut, replace, and reform vinyl. If you are looking to have your vinyl deck repaired, contact an expert vinyl deck contractor today!

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