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Exterior Basement Waterproofing

Keep water out of your home with professional exterior waterproofing!

Exterior Basement Drainage System

There are just as many causes as there are solutions for water in the basement. One of these solutions is exterior waterproofing, which offers a variety of benefits to you and your home.

Also called “positive-side waterproofing”, exterior waterproofing helps keep water, mold, and mildew out of your home by covering all the typical entry points that water could intrude from. The technique of exterior waterproofing relies upon a waterproofing membrane or coating to prevent groundwater from entering the basement. This treatment utilizes a plastic sheeting material or a thin layer of Bentonite Clay that can form a waterproof barrier. In some cases, an exterior french drain can be installed as well.

There is a right time and place to waterproof your foundation!

Unfortunately, due to the nature of exterior waterproofing, the best time to install is during the construction of the home. Although you can install an exterior waterproofing system to a pre-existing home, it is more difficult to maneuver around. To install, the area affected or possibly the whole foundation will need to be excavated. Excavation could require the removal of trees, walkways, patios, or other structures around the home. During the process, access to the home will be compromised.

Waterproofing your home from the outside offers a way to stop the water before it enters the basement, rather than redirecting it back out as with interior waterproofing. With an exterior waterproofing system, you can expect a two to three-part system that has a moisture barrier, dimple barrier, and the option of adding an exterior french drain at the footers that can lead to a sump pump or out to the surface.

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