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Awning Installation & Replacement

Does your home need an awning?

Being a classic image of street-side bistros and sweet storefronts, an awning may not immediately come to mind as a wonderful addition to the home, however, homeowners can easily see the benefit of such a simple feature on their property.

Serving first and foremost as a shade or canopy, awnings function as a simple tool to protect you and your home from the elements. Used for outdoor entertainment even in lousy weather or shielding guests from harmful UV rays, an awning presents itself as a useful and worthwhile investment, even helping to lower home energy bills throughout the year.

What type of awning is best for your home?

There are countless styles to choose from, each constructed with a variety of materials, making awnings highly customizable. One of the most common materials for an awning is vinyl, as it is a lightweight and flexible material. This material is often chosen for its durability and long-lasting appeal. These synthetic materials are very well suited for both residential and commercial applications.

Homes and businesses alike will enjoy their awnings for years. On average, a fabric awning can last for 10 to 15 years when properly maintained. For those looking for an even more durable and long-lasting product, many homeowners turn to metal as their material of choice. With proper maintenance, metal awnings can last upwards of 50 years. When considering adding or replacing an awning to your property, consult with an experienced contractor so you get the awning that’s right for you!

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